Friday, September 6, 2013

Just shoot

Short unrelated story: This tree behind me got chopped off a day after this picture was taken. What the hell is wrong with you humanity? 

Most of the photo taken by my love A. 

What's your ideal of a travel? 
For me, it involves a lot of picture taking and writing. Wild places and old villages are always in my top list of traveling but most of the time it really irritates me that I have to carry a heavy camera and need to guard up and watch out for those robbers in some unsafe places. Sometimes, insecurity overtakes my relaxation for a trip. So I was very happy back then, when my boyfriend bought me 2 single-use cameras he saw around the airport. One is for normal shoot, one is for under water. They turned out to be very convenient and handy. You can put it inside your travel tote with several other things without worrying that it can be damaged. And because it's a film camera, you just shoot. There is no waste time for review or choosing filters on instagram (sorry to those instagram fans, but I don't find it's suitable for travel he he). Instead, I spend more time enjoy the place, enjoy precious moments with him... Oh sometimes, randomness may bring your surprise!?
One more thing, I like the sensation of holding a photo in hand rather than see it on computer screen. That's what makes me love this camera even more. 

Those pictures here are not from any of our travels. We just took it while we were in our hometown for summer holiday.  I had a good time pretending we are tourists and going back to our favorites spots. I had a swim in the ocean again after 2 years! (how shameful is that when I am a child born and raised in a seaside city...) The pictures were taken randomly, still they turn out not bad, right? 

Have a tranquil weekend and don't forget to take pictures ;) 
Memories are not to be slipped away... 


WAIT! We will have something exciting for you in the next weeks. Stay tuned ;)